Miss me? It's been too long - I know. I need to spend some serious time catching up with the blogs and adding people to the blog list on my page. But... first of all - thanks a lot to all of you for making me feel like a big ol' shmuckity shmuck! Here I am thinking of all the different ways I could destroy the helmet and everyone thinks I should keep it. Fine... you win. It will find a spot on a shelf or in a box in the basement. Boring.
So, today is Tim's 30th Birthday!!! He's joining all you others out there in the old fart club. Haha - just kidding. Well... kinda. :) He's the best husband and father to Jaxson - I'm SO blessed. Really really blessed. Here's a pic of my favorite boys.
So, today is Tim's 30th Birthday!!! He's joining all you others out there in the old fart club. Haha - just kidding. Well... kinda. :) He's the best husband and father to Jaxson - I'm SO blessed. Really really blessed. Here's a pic of my favorite boys.

We went to the AGCI picnic in Chicago a couple of weeks ago and got to meet several families. Of course I forgot to take any pictures. I was so excited to meet Tisha, but we only got to spend like 3 minutes together. :( But, we will meet up soon because we aren't too far away. We got to talk with the Millers, the Hensleys, the Voights, the Toepplers and I think that's it.
What else have we been up to? Umm, not really sure. But, I'll post some pics because I know thats what you really want.
Jaxson's 1st 49er game!!
checkin' out the babes at the beach...


