Ok... let's start off with a little confession, mmmkay? Before Jaxson I would get so frustrated when families would come home with their kiddos and disappear from the blogs and think "man, I'll never do that". Ha. I am SO that person. So... there it is. I take it back. Ahem... moving onto other things...
So, we are getting close to being helmet free in this house. Not close enough... but close. We are 4 weeks away. Woot woot! Come on... say it with me now. Woot Woot!! Ok, much better. The big debate in our house right now is what to do with the helmet once we're done with it. Which is October 6th - just in case you wanted to mark your calendar and have a little celebration that day - we sure will. However... we can't agree on what we want to do with the helmet. I would like to take my Chrysler Pacifica and run it over and do an evil little mmmmwah hahaha sort of laugh while doing it. Some other suggestions have been thrown in the mix as well, so... this is where YOU come in. We are doing a little poll to see what everyone thinks we should do. Over on the top right of my page there is a little poll - go on over and vote what you think we should do. This should be fun! :)
And since I can't do a post without a picture. This is just one of the many horrible things we do as parents to Jaxson. Poor kid. We stick socks in his helmet and then laugh and take pictures. We are horrible - I know.

Put it on a teddybear for Jaxson....so he can see it someday. How cute would that be.
Awwww....poor Jaxson, but hey we do the same kinds of things......so I guess poor kids in general who have crazy parents. But in our defense we are the most fun :)
oh we talk about backing over ours in the parking garage in Named Charlotte and scattering pieces all along the freeway on the final ride home....IF THAT EVER HAPPENS!!
oh, and don't cook it in the fire b/c the plastic will emit toxic fumes and that would just ruin your yummy s'mores...
I'm thinking...put it in a nice box and save it for the grooms cake.
I think you should get a real "helmet show case box" and treat it as a real Brewer's helmet. Get a few autographs on it if you ever get the chance. It's too cute and too sentimental (even if you don't think so right now) to ever run over!
My vote was for beating it with a baseball bat - that way it is consistent with the hat's decoration style, but still allows you to express your feelings about it. As a caveat, I think you should take pictures and video of the hat beating. THAT should be Jaxson's keepsake.
I'm very sentimental and would definitely clean it up and put it away. It's so cute! One day when he's a big boy (and maybe even wearing a real baseball helmet), you'll be able to pull it out and get all teary-eyed reminiscing about it.
I love the idea of running over it! What a great send off to hard times! He is so super duper cute...even with socks in his helmet. You guys crack me up! It is a really good thing you have your sense of humor during helmit-like times. I also think you should now use that phrase freely, b/c you have earned it. :)
I was totally going to recommend something awful and destructive, but after reading the comments I think you should take him to get his head autographed and save it. I would think the players would love to sign it for him!
Oh my gosh I do mean things like that to my kids all the time. Which might explain why my eldest has developed a twitch, now that I think about it . . .
Dearest Jaxson, you can come live with your Auntie Tisha. I promise I will never put socks in your helmet and then take pictures of you. Poor baby...
:) :)
I suggest having it cast in bronze, flipping it over and using it as a bowl for chips. After lining it with socks, of course. But the smashing and scattering of its ashes sounds good too.
grandma wouldn't put socks on poor Jaxson's head and take pictures, but I did see an awful cute little green bay packer shirt in the store today! I guess I might lean toward the little keepsake thing....I guess I am sentimental as well. It wasn't a fun thing,but a part of his life for a while
ANd you call Jody a weirdo!! HA!! :) That is SOOOO funny!! The things we do to our kids for a silly picture!! :)
I would definetley drive over it with Lola...my reason would be that with that act everything that does NOTstand for spending time with Jaxson, holding Jaxson, loving Jaxson, focus on Jaxson, picking up Jaxson, make Jaxson the centre of your world would be destroyed. And a little Family dance right in front of the car would be in order too - preferrably in heavy traffic....
But then-it was also a good thing..so maybe you want to keep it? (I voted though)
Love, Ellen
hmmmm...I'd definitely keep it in a keep sake box...I'm too sentimental..I keep everything of my kiddos :)I'm sure I'd like to run it over with the suburban, but I'd have to resist :) kj
Oh that poor child! LOL!! I say keep the helmet on a stuffed toy..it is a keepsake :)
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