Thursday, November 6, 2008


Are you a "yes" person? I'm a YES person...completely. I never say no. It's definitely an issue I have, but I just can't stop. I have a very hard time saying no to anyone. Why am I that way? I have no idea. I guess I'm afraid to disappoint people. Whether it's someone at work asking for help, or a friend asking me to go to dinner, or an invitation to a party, or a family member asking me to watch my nieces, etc etc etc... you name the circumstance... I can't say no. Now it's almost always something I do want to do or help with, but I have a hard time fitting everything in. I've been very overwhelmed lately - the social calendar has been a little out of control. So, I'm trying my best to pull back a bit and give myself more time for ME. If anyone has any advice out there on how to say "no" nicely... I'm listening. I wish I could just be ok with saying "I'd love to, but I can't". I think it, but I just can't say it. Ok, well thanks for listening to my rambling post about nothing.

P.S. No I have not received new #'s from AGCI yet. But, I'm not too concerned seeing as I know what our #'s are. Oh and waiting if you didn't already know. I'm not a patient person - at ALL.


Kristi J said...

I can easily say "no" is a skill I learned after all my kiddos were born...I smile very sweetly and say "no" plate is full of kids right now...but thanks so much for thinking of me (:
Once you get in the'll start getting used to it...
And, you wait so long in car line because I want to be in "first round" which means I pick my kid up first and she doesn't have to wait for me in the back of the line to get up to her..she comes straight out, gets in our car and we head out....I'm kind of crazy like that...not wanting my child to sit and wonder where I am...You have to get there early to be first in line (: kj

jody said...

i have no wisdom whatsoever for you b/c i suffer from the very same affliction. i am terrible at saying no, but getting a little better only now i say no and then feel overcome with guilt about it for days on end-not much of an improvement. ugh. and i too am impatiently waiting on Christy's call but i guess it is good she didn't call tonite b/c i am sick and have completely lost my voice!!!

Anonymous said...

okay know how I used to ask you EVERY week to come to Scores night...and every week you would tell me "NO"...use that same kind of no for other things...its not that hard!! You can do it! I have faith in you girl!! Your other friends will understand just like me!

We know you are busy like 31(i just learned that from Two and a half men -just trying it out to see if it means 24/7 if you were confused) :-)but we just cant get enough of you thats why we always invite you to stuff. Cuz we love our lil Dawny P.
