jaxson turned 2 on friday!! pictures of the birthday weekend will be coming soon. meanwhile... here are some jax stats...
FAVORITE FOOD: pizza (pronounced sipisa by jax)
FAVORITE TOY: a yellow cancer bracelet and a dog collar. good thing we have a house full of toys.
FAVORITE FRIEND: his cousin emry. he talks about her everyday...several times a day.
FAVORITE MOVIE: shrek and pongo & perdita
FAVORITE THING TO DO: turn lights on and off, talk about turning the lights on and off, play with addy, take a bath, go bye bye, watch a movie, and make us laugh
FAVORITE TREAT: dippin dots... he's got his mommy's love of ice cream
FAVORITE PHRASE: buh bye emry yeah which means "lets go see emry"
FAVORITE BOOK: ten friendly fish & i love you more than
We love you Jaxson and continue to be amazed at the joy you bring us each & everyday. You truly are a gift and we couldn't be prouder!!
Monday, November 8, 2010
jaxson is 2!!!
Posted by Dawn at 8:38 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
some guilt... and an oh so cute puppy
Posted by Dawn at 10:40 PM 5 comments
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Randomness by Dawn
Well...well...well.... time sure has flown since my last post and since Troy has resulted to calling me out, I better get to it. I can't be outdone by him...no no no. Life is busy. Very busy. Work is busy. Very busy. I'm still working on that whole balance thing. It's definitely a work in progress. So, I don't have anything in particular in mind to post about, so I'll just give ya a little sampling of what's going on in this noggin of mine - mmkay?
- First off - Jody is going back to Ethiopia on Oct. 20th and I'm SUPER excited for her. She's going to visit the school that Meheret is at and give her a little package for us and give her some love. I'm looking forward to an update on Meheret when Jody gets back. So... keep Jody Jo in your prayers - k? She would appreciate that. :)
- Jaxson's halloween costume is ridiculously cute. When I put it on him - I teared up. Yes, I'm a nerd. But seriously... just wait until you see a picture of him in it. Oh my... he melts my heart.
- I have like no food in my house and really should be grocery shopping right now and not blogging. Eh.. oh well.
- The 49ers are 0-4... if they do not win tonight... I am going to be mad. I really do not want a crabby husband for a 5th Sunday in a row. Seriously guys... get it together. Please. Please.
- Last night I made some banana caramel ravioli. Delish. You must make it. So good. Here's a link to the recipe. You will not be disappointed - I promise. And if you are - well then you just are not normal. http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=1194911
- Tim has been busy busy with his photography. Fall is a popular time for pictures with the leaves changing and so he is found behind his computer editing most nights. If you haven't checked out his work - you should. http://timothyprustphotography.blogspot.com.
- Jaxson is going to be TWO on Nov. 5th. I know I sound like a broken record, but he is getting so big so fast. He is soooo much fun. He wears me out, but I still miss him when he's sleeping. I know you think I'm crazy, but I do. Sometimes I go in while he's sleeping and just pick him up and rock him and then put him back in his crib. Love the cuddles and love when he sleeps on me. :)
- So... Jaxson's new thing now. Oh man. When he's being naughty (which hardly EVER happens - ha yeah right) and we are
yellingtalking to him in a very calm voice about being naughty he looks at us and says "how are you?" Now how am I supposed to not laugh at that? He is a stinker and a half and knows how to charm. - I
wantneed to start working out. I even went and bought some new tennis shoes. So, it's a step in the right direction. I'm thinking "30 by 30". 30 lbs by the time I'm 30 yrs old. Hmm... not sure how I feel about typing that. Because now you know. And if I don't succeed I'll be a big lame-o. Eek. Ok... I said it...now I have to do it. Stupid caramel banana ravioli. Ilovehate you. - I need some good crockpot recipes. Do you have any good ones? Keep in mind that we are kinda picky eaters in this house, so don't be suggesting recipes with spinach and mushrooms and all that weirdy stuff.
Posted by Dawn at 9:05 PM 10 comments
Friday, September 24, 2010
winner winner chicken dinner!!
Thank you again to everyone who donated!! We truly appreciate ALL of you!! We will be sure to keep you all updated on how Meheret is doing.
and the winner is.....
Posted by Dawn at 6:59 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 20, 2010
Awww stink
Well, apparently we broke the rules. PayPal considers raffles gambling. Stink. So, our paypal button had to be removed. Double stink. We certainly don't want to be rule breakers. However... the raffle will continue on! If you have not entered and would still like to - leave me a comment with your email and I will give you the scoop on how to enter.
Thanks so much for all of your support so far! Only a few more days to enter - don't wait!!
I'll leave you with a picture of my little fireman. :)
Posted by Dawn at 9:33 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Some good videos...
- Korah in Amharic means "cursed".
- 75 years ago the Ethiopian government moved everyone with leprosy to this area of Addis Ababa.
- Approximately 100,000 people live in the slums of Korah - the "outcasts" of society.
- The city dump is located in Korah.
- The people, both adults and children, spend their days digging through the dump searching for anything to eat or sell.
The Village of Korah - A short documentary from Session 7 Media on Vimeo.
I have one more video for you. This is my little
Posted by Dawn at 8:56 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 13, 2010
Ok... I lied. This post was SUPPOSED to be last week, but well life got in the way. It has a habit of doing that a lot... hmm. But, as long as I post more than Troy... then I'm all good. hehehe.
As most of you know we are trying to raising $$ for our sponsored child in Ethiopia. Her name is Meheret and she is 12 yrs old. Check a few posts back for more info. Little update - Meheret has now started school & and is not living in the trash dump - yay!! We just received a letter from her and a new picture, so I'll post about that soon. :)
So.....Are you ready?? Drumroll please....
Posted by Dawn at 10:05 PM 5 comments
Monday, September 6, 2010
Timothy Prust Photography
have you checked out tim's blog? what??? you mean you haven't? then you are just plain crazy. go check him out and then email him and book a session.
so.... a couple of weeks ago i mentioned there being a fun raffle where proceeds go to meheret (our sponsored child in korah). it's coming... it's coming... so... check back this week. right here. this is where all the action will be. mmmkay? don't forget now. come back.
Posted by Dawn at 8:25 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
When did...
Grow into all this hair...

When did this little tongue....
When did this gummy smile....
How can this be my little baby Jaxson? Look how big he is!! Oh boy do I love him, but this mommy needs time to slow down just a tad....
Posted by Dawn at 10:27 PM 6 comments