Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Going Private...
Heads up! I'm going to make my blog private within the next week, so if you would still like to have access and keep up with us - just leave me a comment with your email address or send me an email at dawnprust@gmail.com.
Posted by Dawn at 8:45 PM 15 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Mr. Cover Boy
Check out who made the cover of the 2010 DOC Band Calendar. Woot woot!
And look at cutie Elias in March!!!
And Zoe as Miss August!!!
How cool is it that all these Ethiopian cuties made the calendar!! There were 3400 entries and had no idea these babies came from the same little home in Ethiopia. Love it!
Posted by Dawn at 8:00 PM 9 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Nerd Alert
Posted by Dawn at 4:05 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Artwork from Ethiopia
Posted by Dawn at 7:56 PM 6 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
As usual, I'm behind on the blogging, so I'll catch up soon. But, seeing as Thanksgiving is this week, I thought it would be appropriate to do a post about what I'm thankful for.
1. I'm thankful for the 28 years that I had with my Grandpa. He is the strongest man I know and I am so proud of him. He will be deeply missed, but we carry him with us.
2. I'm thankful to have my other 3 grandparents alive and apart of my life.
3. I'm thankful for 2009. What an AWESOME year!! Jaxson has brought us more joy than we could have ever imagined. Ever.
4. I'm thankful for all of our friends & family. They have been such a great support system to us when we've needed it the most.
5. I'm thankful for the roof over my head. I often complain about how small our house is and how we need to get a new one. Then, I think of our time in Ethiopia. Do I really need a new house? No. So, I'm thankful for my itty bitty 1100 sq ft home that is packed full of toys and stuff and lots of love.
6. I'm thankful for my super comfy pajama pants that I'm currently wearing. Hey... not gonna lie... somedays I can't wait to get home from work and slip them right on. It's the simple things in life...
7. I'm thankful for my health, Tim's health and Jaxson's health. Cancer sucks. Too many people that I love and care for have strugged or are currently struggling with it.
8. I'm thankful for my husband. I knew that I hit the jackpot with Tim. He's wonderful, but once Jaxson came along, a whole new side of Tim came out that I didn't know. He amazes me everyday with his patience, love and compassion. He is the BEST dad. The look in his eyes when he looks at Jaxson melts my heart. The way he talks about Jaxson... melts my heart.
I'm blessed.
Posted by Dawn at 9:31 PM 3 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Birthday Boy!

Posted by Dawn at 10:12 PM 9 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Jaxson + Zoe

Posted by Dawn at 8:53 PM 5 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
11 months
Changing things up this time. I gave you the pics first - aren't I just so crazy. Jaxson is going to be 11 months tomorrow. 11 months people!! I can't believe my baby is becoming a little boy. He's been a busy little guy lately. With what you ask? Well... he's now the owner of 4 purdy little toofers. He's down to 2 bottles a day. I think we're done with the spitting up phase - thank the Lord! We just started the sleep sense program a few nights ago and he's doing AWESOME! We are so proud of him! I do miss him during the night - not gonna lie. Yeah yeah... call me crazy. He now signs 'more' when he wants more food. He pulls up on everything. Sitting is no fun anymore in our house. He wants to stand all day long. Crawling? Pssht... no. This boy has no interest in crawling. He's going to walk long before that ever happens. Oh yes and how could I forget... we are helmet free!! His last appt is on Tuesday, but being the wild and crazy people we are - we decided to end a few days early. Soooo happy that is over. So, yes that's life around here lately. We are very happy the top 2 teeth finally came through because they were just sorta taking their sweet ole' time and well... wasn't making us very happy. Jaxson is such a sweetheart and loves to cuddle and give hugs - its the best. And he loves to make us laugh. He is such a ham!
Soooo... I'm starting to plan Jaxson's 1st Birthday Party. FUN stuff!! The 1st birthday party is a big deal! I'm someone who loves traditions, so I'm looking for some fun birthday traditions. Do you have any that you want to share?
Posted by Dawn at 8:51 PM 11 comments
Thursday, September 24, 2009
So, today is Tim's 30th Birthday!!! He's joining all you others out there in the old fart club. Haha - just kidding. Well... kinda. :) He's the best husband and father to Jaxson - I'm SO blessed. Really really blessed. Here's a pic of my favorite boys.

We went to the AGCI picnic in Chicago a couple of weeks ago and got to meet several families. Of course I forgot to take any pictures. I was so excited to meet Tisha, but we only got to spend like 3 minutes together. :( But, we will meet up soon because we aren't too far away. We got to talk with the Millers, the Hensleys, the Voights, the Toepplers and I think that's it.
What else have we been up to? Umm, not really sure. But, I'll post some pics because I know thats what you really want.
Jaxson's 1st 49er game!!

Posted by Dawn at 7:24 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The polls are open...

Posted by Dawn at 9:01 PM 18 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
AGCI Picnic

And I'm hoping that Matt & Jess are coming with Aiden (WELCOME HOME JESS!!!)
Posted by Dawn at 7:40 PM 10 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
appreciate your dingaling
I remembered this funny story the other day and thought you all could use a good laugh.
So, about 3 yrs ago Tim had shoulder surgery. Surgery went well and we left the hospital to go home. Tim was in pain obviously and on percaset. The next day he kept complaining of a sore throat and I told him it was probably just from the tubes down his throat. Well, he kept complaining so I took out the flashlight to take a peek. I noticed that his little hangy ball in the back of his throat(I refer to it as dingaling) was pretty swollen, so I called the nurse and she said that he may have just had an allergic reaction to the anesthesia so to give him some benadryll. If you ever want to have a good laugh - give your husband some percaset and benadryll. Wow - quite the combo. Tim was in some other world... seriously. He was a zombie. The next day it wasn't getting any better - it was actually getting worse. It was turning purple and swelling up more, so since it was the weekend and the doctor wasn't in, I called my mom. This is how the conversation went...
Me: Mom - Tim's dingaling is purple and really swollen and laying on his tongue. I'm not sure what to do.
Mom: WHAT?!
Me: His dingaling is really swollen mom and it's laying on his tongue
Mom: DAWN!! What is going on over there?!?
Me: Mom... what do you mean?
Mom: How in the world....
Me: Oh Mom!! Not THAT dingaling!!! His hangy ball dingaling!!
Mom: Oh my goodness Dawn.... I had no idea what you were talking about.
So, since I freaked my mom out and she wasn't sure what to do - we called the doctor on Monday morning. They had him come in and they were stumped - they had no idea why his dingaling was like that. They had him go over and see an ENT (ear/nose/throat) doctor right away. He said that when they put the tubes down his throat that they scrapped the outer layer of skin on his dingaling and it became infected. Crazy, huh? So, I suppose I should tell you now that its actually called a uvula in case you didn't already know. And is it just me or does that sound like a female body part? I don't know.. I just don't like that word. Anyways... he tells Tim that he needs to CUT it off. Yes, cut off his hangy ball!!! So, he puts a needle in it to numb it and then snip snip... GONE. Just like that... gone. Doesn't your throat hurt right now thinking about it? Mine does. Tim now has a uvanub. So, I then wanted to know why we have a hangy ball. Is it just for decoration? Nope, it's not. It's actually used to help push food down your throat and it's also used to pronounce some words in some foreign languages. I bet you never knew that.
Moral of the story... appreciate your dingaling!
Posted by Dawn at 10:15 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
little fishy
Jaxson LOVES the water. He loves bathtime and loves to just play with the running water in the sink. So, when he's in the pool - he's in heaven! Here are some pics of our little fishy...
Then we played in the ball pit and he thought that was lots of fun!
Jax isn't a fan of the flash on the camera though... ha!
Hope you all had a great weekend!
Posted by Dawn at 8:54 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Happy 9 Months Jax
Happy 9 Month Birthday Jaxson Kyin!! Here are 9 things that we LOVE about you...
1. We LOVE your 2 little teeth and how you show them off so nicely with your big smiles.
2. We love how you try to not smile when you think something is funny and then all of a sudden you crack and the giggles come. You are always making us laugh.
3. I love how you play with my hair when I rock you to sleep.
4. We love bath time with you - we have so much fun!
5. We love how you've captured the hearts of our friends & family.
6. We love how you say "dadadadadada".
7. I love how you light up and flap your arms & legs when I come home from work. Makes mommy happy to know that she was missed.
8. We love how you crack up laughing when Daddy kisses your neck & back.
9. We LOVE that we are a family - you've made us happier than we ever thought possible.
Posted by Dawn at 8:45 PM 8 comments
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Finding Balance...
So, it's been a week and a half back at work. And really it's been fine. I've been very busy so my days fly by and I'm home with Jaxson before I know it (don't get me wrong - I do miss him very much!) However... it's a whole new routine to figure out. When I get home I want to just sit on the floor and play with Jaxson until its his bedtime. So... I'm trying to figure out how to get my play time in with Jaxson, make dinner, clean the house, do emails/blogs, and let's not forget some time with my wonderful husband. I'm so lucky to have Tim. We are a very good team and he helps so much around the house, but we never seem to be caught up. So, if any of you have some tips/advice for me - I'm listening!
Ok and since I can't do a post without a picture, here's Jaxson straight out of the bath. He LOVES bathtime! And he loves being wrapped up in a towel afterwards too. This is what we do after our bath and we bring him in front of the mirror and he just laughs at himself. He's a hoot.
Posted by Dawn at 9:21 PM 11 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Happy Birthday Jody!!!
Guess who's birthday it is?!?! Jody's!!! Make sure you wish her a Happy Birthday (tomorrow)!!
Happy Birthday Jody!! I hope you have a WONDERFUL day!! Thanks for being a GREAT friend! I don't know what I would have done without you this past year. Wish we lived closer so I could celebrate with you! Love ya!
Posted by Dawn at 9:45 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Family Picnic
Well I survived my first 3 days back to work last week and I think I'll make it back tomorrow. It really helps that Tim is home with Jaxson. So thanks for all your kind words... I survived. And my friends made my 1st day back very special - so thank you! :)
Today was our annual family picnic for my dad's side of the family. The weather was gorgeous and we had lots of fun!
Could he BE any cuter?! Oh my... he SO has my heart.
Jaxson playing with his cousins
Playing... or ummm wrestling with cousin Maddox
Isabella - how adorable is she??
Ok... I could post more pics, but blogger is being dumb. Does anyone know why you can't see the pics until you post them now? So annoying.
Hope you all had a great weekend!!
Posted by Dawn at 8:59 PM 5 comments