I'm in a funk... have been all week. I think it's a number of things, but I sure hope it passes soon.
#1 - I'm SO tired of winter. I really need some warm weather.
#2 - I'm SO tired of waiting. March 31st seems so far away.
#3 -I'm so unmotivated to start losing weight... what's it going to take to kick my butt in gear?
#4 - I've been really busy at work, so not feeling as balanced as I normally do.
Does anyone have a time capsule that I could borrow, so I can speed ahead 31 days? I'll give it back - I promise. Does anyone have a secret diet pill that will make me lose 30 lbs overnight? Oh and does anyone have any go go gadget arms I could borrow while I'm at work, because my 2 arms just aren't cutting it. Oh and could someone please call the weatherman and order some warm weather? Mmmmkay I think that's about it. Appreciate your help.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Posted by Dawn at 8:48 PM 13 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
I'm Alive!!!!
That's right. I'm happy to report that I survived the shots!! Although where I got the tetanus shot is STILL sore. I did ask the nurse if I could have my shots in my "behind" since I have more "cushion" down there... maybe I wouldn't feel it as much. She chuckled and said no. Dang. Tim would just say that I'm a wimp. Which, I can admit that I am. My tolerance for pain is like negative 10 or something. I would always say that if I ever did get pregnant that I would go ahead and ask for the epidural at my first appointment. So, I'm very sorry Jody but you will not be receiving my Cheez-Its. I'm about to die and she asks if I die if she can have my Cheez-Its. Nice friend, eh?
Ok... so you may remember that I said that Tim got be a VERY nice Valentine's gift. I'm sure you have all been laying awake at night wondering what it is. Well, let me just fix that for you. My mother in-law works for United Airlines and that certainly has its perks! Tim and his mom were able to get a SUPER SUPER cheapo flight for me to visit Jody & her family for a weekend! YAY!!! So, in a few weeks I'll be heading out to VA to spend a weekend with their crazy family!! I'm so excited!!
P.S. We've been making lots of progress on the nursery. I should be posting pics in the next couple of weeks. It is now my favorite room in the house. I just sit in there and look at everything - love love LOVE it and can't wait to have him in it!!
Posted by Dawn at 8:29 PM 7 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
Goodbye Forever

Posted by Dawn at 9:02 AM 9 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Valentine's Day 10 Years Ago

Posted by Dawn at 9:50 PM 10 comments
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Happy Mommy
We got an update on our little guy!!! I was desperately needing an update, so was thrilled to get this email today from Autumn - she is so awesome I just love her!
He is precious! He is super teeny tiny. His mannerisms are those of a newborn. You still have to completely support his head when holding him. He is just so loveable and dependent and sweet. I was able to hold him for quite a while. He was an absolute doll. One of the nannies came over and gave me a nipple (detached from a bottle) of flaxseed oil. I don't know why they give it to them. Anyway, I fed him that as I held him. He was so sleepy I felt so bad. He would start dosing off and I would slightly wiggle the nipple. He would wake enough to remember something was in his mouth and start sucking again. 10 seconds later he would dose again. His expression and mannerisms were so sweet. Everything about him is perfectly precious.
47 days til our court date. Please oh please let the time go by fast and please oh please let us pass on the 1st time! I don't think I can wait much longer... this is so hard. It is so crazy how we love this little baby more than anything in the world... and have never met him or held him. But, he is definitely in our hearts. Mommy & Daddy are coming soon Jaxson!!
Posted by Dawn at 11:31 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
From Ashes to Africa
Posted by Dawn at 9:05 PM 4 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Court Date
That's the number of days until our court date. Long time, huh? Yeah - that's what we think. We are glad to finally have a date however its MUCH later than what we were hoping for. March 31st is the big day. So, the countdown begins...
Posted by Dawn at 7:36 PM 10 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
25 Random Things
I was tagged a few times on facebook to write 25 random things about me, so I thought I would blog it. Here we go...
- I married my best friend.
- I hate the dentist..yes, hate it. He scares me.
- I make lists everyday...to do lists, grocery lists,, etc..
- I have 3 bridal showers to go to in the next 2 weeks.
- I like playing bingo.
- I'm in love with a little boy in Ethiopia
- I came home from work today and my dog had thrown up in 2 places - yuck.
- I have lots of books I want to read, but I don't make the time to read them.
- I think I should be a judge on American Idol
- I love being home with just Tim watching a movie on the couch, but we rarely do. We're always doing something. That will soon change!
- I'm really struggling with the thought of putting Jaxson in daycare.
- I drink apple juice everyday.
- I suck at doing laundry. I'm a slacker.
- I wish I wasn't such a picky eater - it would make things a lot easier.
- I really really really want to know when my court date is.
- Tim HATES it that I watch the Real Lives of the Orange County Housewives. He says its trashy and well it is, but I have to watch it.
- I'm really looking forward to having fun this summer with my little family.
- I don't eat breakfast during the week, but I like to on the weekend.
- I love coupons and I make it a game to see how much I can try to save.
- I love entertaining.
- Sometimes I wish I lived in Virginia. :)
- I've never held Jaxson, but my arms feel empty without him in them.
- I don't understand why people buy $600 vaccuum cleaners. My $150 vaccuum probably does just as good as your $600 one. So there.
- I worry about what kind of bottles to buy and what kind of formula to get.
- I'm craving a white mocha from Starbucks right now.
Posted by Dawn at 7:05 PM 6 comments