Friday, February 20, 2009

Goodbye Forever

Well, today is the day. The dreaded day. The day that has been haunting me. Today is the day that I get my shots for travel. Yes, I will surely not survive. Just as the needle goes in - I'm sure the ceiling will cave in and the needle will come out the other side of my arm. Don't I have a wonderful imagination? So... it was nice getting to know you all. Goodbye forever.


JonesEthiopia said...

Auuggh! I hated that, too. We did them all at once so we could just get it over with. I took a picture of all the band-aides lined up ready to go on my arm. It was scary, but I lived! Besides, it is so worth it becuase it means you are one step closer to bringing you sweet baby home!

Tisha Alexander said...

Wow, I am guessing you don't like needles!:) I hope it is not as bad as you imagine it to be. I don't mind needles, but I am not looking forward to having them done either.

Sarah said...

You're a nut. You really had me scared there!
We need to do that shot thing too. Its not exactly the kind of thing you're eager to schedule, is it? Sigh.
Be brave, Dawn! You can do it!


jody said...

well, i am not coming to your funeral unless you wait till july to die b/c it is too stinkin' cold in wisconsin!! it really wasn't too bad, i promise....

Renee said...

Holy crap you had me scared half to death reading your post title...its not right to do that to a person ya know..I hate the needles to.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am so glad you survived the dreaded needles Dawn! I knew you would. Tim did well as well! Of course you had the MUCH MUCH bigger needles! LOL

Troy said...

I still have 2 rounds of Hep to do and a couple other shots ... I feel your pain.

Kristi J said...

you are too funny...If you survive, share with me what shots you decided to get...we need to start soon, i guess yuck, kj

nell ann said...

That WAS an evil laugh and yes, you are being a giant MEANIE!! Stop it! Geez, what happened to all the love and support and stuff?